A brief history of the main authors in England and North America

ANGLO-AMERICAN LITERATURE usually refers to books written by Englsih or American authors, though is sometimes used more generally to refer to any written work produced by the English-speaking world. The course of ANGLO-AMERICAN LITERATURE aims to give an insight into different periods of writing and at the same time try to explain how the authors of the time are and were affected by the social climate in their respective countries. Literature has an extremely important role to play concerning the development of the language, customs and social attitudes of any country. This will be seen by reading selected passages from monumental books, plays and poems that have transformed the wayh in which people think. 

This course represents the 17th to the 20th centuries, Romanticism, and the Victorian and Modern periods. William Shakepeare is well represented. william Wordsworth documents the Romantic movement in detail. The course shows considerable depth in the literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in America, and Walt Whitman is well represented. The course also shows notable strenght in the literature of the 1980s with Ian Banks in England. Finally, the course includes articles from magazines of the 2000s. This brief description highlights only a few of the many representative literary works in England and America. And to conclude, students should keep in mnd the goals listed here:

  • To encourage students to investigate the importance of literature in the development of a language.
  • To broaden their cultural understanding of the countries in question, i. e. why the people are the way they are.
  • To strengthen reading, writing, and speaking skills as well as their ability to deduce and analyze a situation.
  • To relate the use of literature to the classroom. How it can be used within his context and why

Validar la palabra creada por el niño, es uno de los aspectos fundamentales en la Literatura Infantil, es por eso que el presente curso iniciará con un marco teórico que pretende reconocer no solo el raciocinio, sino el relaciocinio del niño con su mundo. Para ello se trabajará la semiología crítica propuesta por Manuel Gonzáles de Ávila y el dialogismo de Mijail Bajtin. Lo anterior se complementará con algunos conceptos novedosos planteados por contemporáneos de la Literatura Infantil.


Posteriormente se presentarán algunas consideraciones generales sobre la didáctica de la Literatura, algunos momentos de la historia de Literatura Infantil Universal y Colombiana; se tratará de familiarizar al estudiante con los diferentes momentos de la lectura y la literatura infantiles desde diferentes campos de aplicación y finalmente se trabajarán diversas habilidades pedagógicas a partir del conocimiento del currículo, los estándares, el contexto, la cultura y otras de la realidad infantil.


Lo anterior permitirá a los estudiantes acercarse, con mayor propiedad, a las diferentes  posibilidades estratégicas que se pueden realizar desde la Literatura Infantil.

This course has been designed for students of the X semester of the English and Spanish program who are at an advanced level.

During this course, the students will be able to deepen and broaden their general knowledge of the structure and functions of the language they are studying, both in an oral and written form, and will have the opportunity to try different learning strategies  that aim to help them strengthen their autonomous learning, a fundamental of their future professional development in the area of foreign language teaching/learning.